April 2012: The debate concerning criminology faculties in France: Who is afraid of criminology?
31/07/2013 | Posté par Martine Evans sous Criminology/Criminologie |
Martine Herzog-Evans publishes a pamphlet whereby she tries and explain why a small part of the French academic arena is opposing criminology and why this is precisely – inter alia – why criminology faculties should be created. She nonetheless warns of the cultural reasons why this could turn into a farce.
Martine Herzog-Evans publie un pamphlet dans lequel elle explique pourquoi une petite partie de la communauté académique française s’oppose à la création de la section CNU 75 et en quoi c’est précisément, entre bien d’autres choses, c’est la raison pour laquelle elle était indispensable… Elle met aussi en garde contre les dérives franco-françaises typiques sur lesquelles elle pourrait néanmoins déboucher.
En FRANCAIS (aussi sur forum-penal.dalloz.fr ): ICI
A French ex pat student reacted to this paper: HERE
Une étudiante française exilée à l’étranger réagit à mon article: ICI
The report of the National Criminology Commission of which I was a member in 2010: LE RAPPORT DE LA CNC
Martine Herzog-Evans était invitée de l’émission de radio du grain à moudre, sur France culture, en compagnie de Fabie Jobard, Alain Bauer et Philippe Conte et s’est exprimée sur la criminologie à l’université.
Martine Herzog-Evans and her colleagues Robert Cario (Professor of criminology, Pau), and Loïck Villerbu (Professor of psycho-criminology, Rennes I) have published the following article in the newspaper lemonde.fr, to support the criminology faculty government project
Martine Herzog-Evans et ses collègues Robert Cario (Pr Pau) et Loïck Villerbu (Rennes 1) ont signé un article dans le journal lemonde.fr défendant la criminologie à l’Université
Robert Cario has also been interviewed in the newspaper Sud Ouest.
Robert Cario a quant à lui également été interviewé à ce sujet dans le journal Sud Ouest : http://www.sudouest.fr/2012/03/30/docteur-es-crime-673789-710.php
He has also been interviewed in the Social Work journal Lien Social. Il a également été interviéwé dans la revue Lien Social : HERE/ICI
Also see on Lien Social website/voir aussi sur la page de Lien Social.
Un numéro spécial particulièrement intéressant de la revue Dedans-Dehors, de l’Observatoire International des Prisons, sur le retard français en matière d’application de méthodes issues des données acquises de la science dans le domaine du traitement de la délinquance/ A special issue of the Journal of the French equivalent of International Prison Watch (OIP) Dedans-Dehors (Inside/Outside) shows how France is behind when it comes to evidence-based practices in criminal justice.
You can get it HERE/ICI
L’OIP ne peut sérieusement accusé de faire partie de « la bande à Bauer » pour reprendre la prose de M. Muchielli. Pourtant, il pointe les mêmes retards que nous ne cessons de le faire en matière de criminologie appliquée / There is no way that the OIP can be accused of being yet another member of what Mr Muchielli has labeled ‘the Bauer gang’. Still, it does show how France is behind when it comes to applied criminology.
Un article piquant et très juste relatif à la prétendue dangerosité de la criminologie à l’Université/a witty and to the point article which makes fun of the anti-criminology in Universities ‘party’. http://www.paperblog.fr/5443623/la-criminologie-est-elle-dangereuse
Alain Bauer signe également un article au Nouvel Economiste, qui opère un salutaire rappel historique : HERE/ICI
Laurent Muchielli, one of the biggest opponent to criminology faculties insults my colleagues Robert Cario, Loïck Villerbu and I once again in lieu of scientific or other solid arguments. HERE/ICI
This time, he ‘argues’ – so to speak – that my colleagues and I are pursuing petty personal interests – which he however fails to list – and goes as far as to mentioning that Loïck Villerbu is retired, the relevance of which leaves me speechless: what on earth is that supposed to prove?
Secondly, L. Muchielli labels us three ‘the Bauer’s gang’, reducing our endeavour to that of a bunch of Panurge flock of sheep, blindly following their Lord and Master. We are accused of being the brainless disciples of a tough on crime devilish figure. Notwithstanding the nauseating nature of this prose, Mr Muchielli will have a hard time arguing that I, in particular, am a right wing Bauer gang sheep: on numerous occasions I have been accused of being an extreme left activist, which is just as ludicrous as the current other extreme accusation. I have been known for years for my human rights defence of prisoners and campaining for fair trial in probation, and many other things that have caused just as violent diatribes from the very right that Mr Muchielli abhors. Mr Muchielli can name, blame and shame; his ‘arguments’ are nothing but a sad sham.
A perfectly to the point paper which regrets : Muchielli and alii’s name, blame and shame methods as opposed to conceptual debates and which reminds us that according to their shcool of thought, crime is only explained by social problems.